
[ISSUE TALK] U.S. considering second summit with North Korea, but has progress been made?

2018-09-11 1 Dailymotion

북미 '톱다운 빅딜... 2차 북미정상회담 조율 중 - 봉영식 박사 대담

For more we have with us Dr. Bong Young-shik, from the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies. It's great to have you with us again.

My pleasure.

1 - The White House has said plans are under way for a second North Korea-U.S. summit, after they confirmed that Trump had received the letter from Kim Jong-un. It's quite a turnaround from a few weeks ago, when Trump cancelled Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's trip to Pyeongyang citing a lack progress on denuclearization. North Korea's decision not to display ICBMs at its recent military parade, along with the letter, seems to have changed the atmosphere, would you agree?

1a - If we go with what the White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders has said, it seems Kim Jong-un is the one who has taken the initiative to invite Trump for a second summit. It seems to me that it is always Trump threatening to pull out of talks, and North Korea reaching out to continue them. Would you agree, and what does that say about the North Korea's negotiation position?

2 - Critics would argue that little has changed. There still seems to be no new details on the process of denuclearization, and not showing ICBMs at the parade is a small gesture. But is it at least reassuring that the two leaders do continue to show that they are interested in continuing talks?

3 - Bolton also reaffirmed that a possible second Trump-Kim summit could be on the way. Do you think it could happen before the end of the year?

4 - U.S. media outlet NBC on Monday has reported that there is evidence that North Korea is continuing its nuclear activity and is concealing it. It goes on to say that up to 8 new nuclear weapons could be developed by the end of the year. The U.S. state department responded in an interview with VOA that although they believe Kim Jong-un is serious about denuclearization, if it turns out otherwise, they will take immediate action. First, is it no surprise that North Korea is reportedly continuing its nuclear program and second, how seriously should the warning from the U.S. be taken?

5 - What progress needs to happen for a summit to take place? What does North Korea have to do and what does the U.S. have to give in return as well?

6 - The third inter-Korean summit is next week, and there is much pressure on President Moon to play the mediator between North Korea and the U.S. But today he has thrown the ball back in their court, saying that ultimately it is up to those two leaders to make, quote, 'bold decisions' to move things forward. Despite this, would it be fair to say this much progress would not have been possible without South Korea's involvement, and how important is next week's summit between Moon and Kim?

7 - The Blue House also revealed on Monday that they have agreed with North Korea to limit the delegation that they will take with them to 200 people and that members from all 5 major political parties have been invited. We're not